mardi 30 juin 2020
lundi 29 juin 2020
Poe : 'Eldorado' [traduction-adaptation M.P.]
samedi 27 juin 2020
Poe : ‘Un rêve dans un rêve’ [traduction M.P.]
vendredi 26 juin 2020
Zanahoria [Cantique de la carotte cosmique]
jeudi 25 juin 2020
Mon 'Orphée'
mercredi 24 juin 2020
Swinburne : ‘Proserpine’ [traduction-adaptation M.P.]
The Garden of ProserpineHere, where the world is quiet ;Here, where all trouble seemsDead winds' and spent waves' riotIn doubtful dreams of dreams ;I watch the green field growingFor reaping folk and sowing,For harvest-time and mowing,A sleepy world of streams.I am tired of tears and laughter,And men that laugh and weep ;Of what may come hereafterFor men that sow to reap :I am weary of days and hours,Blown buds of barren flowers,Desires and dreams and powersAnd everything but sleep.
mardi 23 juin 2020
Swinburne : ‘Rosamonde’ [1860] [traduction M.P.]
RosamondFear is a cushion for the feet of love,Painted with colours for his ease-taking ;Sweet-red, and white with wasted blood, and blueMost flower-like, and the summer-spousèd greenAnd sea-betrothed soft purple and burnt black.All coloured forms of fear, omen and change,Sick prophecy and rumours lame at heel,Anticipations and astrologies,Perilous inscription and recorded note,All these are covered in the skirt of loveAnd when he shakes it these are tumbled forth,Beaten and blown i' the dusty face of the air.
lundi 22 juin 2020
Frost : ‘Halte dans les bois…’ [traduction M.P.]
Nabokov, Feu pâle, Pléiade t. 3 p. 311 (commentaire par Kinbote des vv. 425-426) :
"Frost et l'auteur d'un des plus grands petits poèmes en langue anglaise, un poème que tous les petits Américains savent par coeur à propos de bois en hiver et de morne crépuscule, et des douces remontrances des petits grelots du cheval dans l'air qui s'assombrit, et cette fin prodigieuse si poignante – les deux derniers vers, identiques dans chaque syllabe, mais l'un personnel et physique et l'autre métaphysique et universel. Je n'ose les citer de mémoire de crainte de déplacer un seul de ces précieux petits mots.
Frost is the author of one of the greatest short poems in the English language, a poem that every American boy knows by heart, about the wintry woods, and the dreary dusk, and the little horsebells of gentle remonstration in the dull darkening air, and that prodigious and poignant end – two closing lines identical in every syllable, but one personal and physical, and the other metaphysical and universal. I dare not quote from memory lest I displace one small precious word.
dimanche 21 juin 2020
Frost : 'Feu et glace' [traduction M.P.]
And would suffice.
samedi 20 juin 2020
Sonnet de la boule Quiès
vendredi 19 juin 2020
Barrett-Browning : Sonnet portugais X [traduction M.P.]
Yet, love, mere love, is beautiful indeed
And worthy of acceptation. Fire is bright,
Let temple burn, or flax. An equal light
Leaps in the flame from cedar-plank or weed.
And love is fire ; and when I say at need
I love thee... mark ! I love thee !... in thy sight
I stand transfigured, glorified aright,
With conscience of the new rays that proceed
Out of my face toward thine. There's nothing low
In love, when love the lowest : meanest creatures
Who love God, God accepts while loving so.
And what I feel, across the inferior features
Of what I am, doth flash itself, and show
How that great work of Love enhances Nature's.
jeudi 18 juin 2020
Yeats : 'Death' [1929] [traduction M.P.]
MortUn animal mourantn'a d'espoir ni de peur.Sa fin, l'homme l'attend,tout espoirs et frayeurs.Plusieurs fois il est mort,et il s'est relevé.L'homme orgueilleux et fortface à ses meurtriersjette sa dérisionsur le souffle coupé :il sait la mort à fond -c'est lui qui l'a créée.
DeathNor dread nor hope attendA dying animal ;A man awaits his endDreading and hoping all ;Many times he died,Many times rose again.A great man in his prideConfronting murderous menCasts derision uponSupersession of breath ;He knows death to the bone -Man has created death.